they chose life . . . or did they?

After 13 days of harrowing captivity, FOX newsman Steve Centanni and
cameraman Olaf Wiig were released by terrorists…unharmed…emotional and
grateful. Images of them falling tearfully into the arms of loving
family graced the television Sunday from morning ‘til night. Who of us
didn’t rejoice?

Only those of us, perhaps, who understood the terms of their
release. Dressed in Islamic garb, Steve and Olaf, cameras rolling,
bowed their heads and converted to Islam. It was convert or be killed
and they chose life.

Wouldn’t you? After all, everyone knows “conversions” are just
performances required by deranged hostage takers to somehow advance
their cause. No one means it when they renounce their government, their
homeland….their God. You can believe something in your heart and say
another, can’t you?

You can read the rest of Sandy Rios' commentary on the Persecution Blog.

But, I find my answer in the Old Testament in the Daniel chapter 3

I agree with Sandy when she says:

It grieves me, not that Olaf and Steve converted, because I don’t know
if they have a personal relationship with Christ. I don’t fault them
for their choice and have nothing but empathy and grief for them for
making it….my grief comes from the lack of understanding by Christians
of what this means…the unwillingness up front to pay the ultimate price
and the lack of faith demonstrated by thinking that saving your
physical life supersedes securing your eternal soul.

1 comment:

  1. truly truly sad. may they come to know our LORD and Savior Jesus who gives life eternal that lasts beyond what's left of the lives that the two men still have.
    wow, this story truly causes one to re-examine one's faith in Christ.
    To live is Christ, to die is gain. (But can i live it out? LORD have mercy on me.)


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