Showing posts with label dad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dad. Show all posts

wedding reception in usa (part 2)

alternate title: special moments with the men in my life

Oh, my PawPaw . . . I love this man.  My grandfather is OH SO special to me.  One of the greatest men I've ever met.


The new Wu's first dance. We danced to "Someone Like You" by Van Morrison.  The only reason we danced was because Lawrance wanted to dance on his wedding day.


Dancing with my daddy.  We danced to "I Loved Her First" by Heartland.  I cried . . .again.


I also got to dance with Sam, my younger brother.  He needed to leave a bit early, so right after cutting the cake he asked for a dance before he needed to go; I was happy to oblige. :)  He is so sweet, and he is turning into a great young man!

Dancing with my brother

And, last but not least, my nephew, "caught" the garter (with a bit of help from his daddy).


(All photos taken by Jessica at JGM Photography.)

oreo cookie kisses

Our photographer took some really fun photos with me and some of my family.  Since they were all in black and me in white . . . I nicknamed these photos "oreo cookie kisses."


Oreo kisses!!

Of course with my grandmothers, they would be pink oreos.  Come on NeeNee, you can make it!!


Waiting for Mom Sarah gets a head start.

sarah kisses me. :)

And I love these next two of me and my dad.  I always loved the photo of mom and grandpa hanging in Grandmother's hallway.  I thought it was a such a sweet photo.  I loved it so much she actually gave it to me a few years ago.  Now I have my own to hang next to hers. 

Daddy and Daughter

dad and me

our wedding vows


When we were wedding planning, I'm not sure how but I stumbled onto Adrian & Andrée Warnock's wedding vows.  I printed them out and showed them to Lawrance.  We both loved how much Scripture was in the vows.  But, we also loved the vows that my dad had written . . . so we used both. 

Also, one of the engagement ceremonies I went to here in Taiwan had the future bride, future groom, and the future in-laws answer several questions in a row.  I really liked that.  To be asked lots of questions and then only answer with one simple "I do" . . . too easy.

Also, I remembered my dad telling me after one of the many weddings he has officiated that brides and grooms are so excited and/or nervous (ie. just plain full of emotion), they don't really know grasp all that they are actually agreeing to.

Refusing to be in that group, we paid careful attention to our vows.  We probably discussed our vows more than anything during the beginning planning stages of our wedding.  And, we also separated the questions, so each of us said "yes" several times.

Speaking of the "yes."  I told my dad when he was planning the ceremony that we wanted there to be a focus on grace, the sovereignty of God, and of the idea of a covenant.  So, my dad changed the simple "I do" to " I do so covenant with the Lord and Amanda/Lawrance" (depending on the speaker).   We loved that change!

So, here are the questions posed to me:

Dad: Do you Amanda Nicole Parmley, in the presence of Lord and all who are present here, promise and covenant yourself to walking with the Lord as the ultimate priority of your life, will you commit yourself to a life of spiritual maturity in the Lord, a life of the pursuit of physical purity, and emotional purity?

Me: I do so covenant with the Lord and Lawrance.

Dad: Do you receive Lawrance as your God given husband, to accept him as a precious gift from God, to commit all that you are to the Lord and to Lawrance, to submit to him just as the church does to the Lord Jesus?

Me: I do so covenant with the Lord and Lawrance.

Dad: Do you commit yourself to Lawrance to receive him and accept him just as he is. To remain sexually faithful to him, and to him alone. To abandon the pursuit of all others?

Me: I do so covenant with the Lord and Lawrance.

Dad: Do you promise yourself to Lawrance, spiritually, physically, and emotionally, to cherish and to keep him, to meet his needs in sickness and in health until the Lord separates you through death or his return?

Me: I do so covenant with the Lord and Lawrance.


After we answered these questions, we then made a profession of our covenant to each other in both English and Chinese.  This is the part we borrowed from the Warnocks, and Lawrance translated them into Mandarin for us.

What's interesting is that we both thought before the wedding that hearing the other speak our heart language was important.  But, actually, hearing the other one speak their vows in their heart language was more important to each of us. 

I held it together while Lawrance made a commitment to me in English, but I totally lost it (ie. started crying) when he started to say the exact same words in Chinese. The same was true for Lawrance.  Hearing me make my profession in English was more meaningful to him that hearing me speak it in Chinese.   Although I cried through all the way through speaking in both languages.

So, I am very glad we both decided to do it in both languages even if it did take a lot of time.  Our vows weren't short.  ;)

Here is my profession of our covenant--I LOVE the last part.   I'm not sure if it is the last version we ended up using or not, also I can't seem to find my copy of Lawrance's profession at the moment.  Lawrance made the Chinese phrases less "formal" in my part so that they were using words and phrases I was more used to.  If there is a bunch of goobly-gop after the English below, your computer doesn't like Chinese. :)

I, Amanda Nicole Parmley take you, Lawrance Aaron Wu to be my lawfully wedded husband. I promise, by God's grace, as He enables me to submit to you and to obey you in everything, as I do to the Lord. I recognize you as my head, even as Christ is the head of the church. In so doing I resolve to put my trust in God and not give way to fear. I will cultivate the beauty that comes from a gentle and quiet spirit knowing that this is of great value to God.

I will speak the truth to you in Love. I will encourage you and strengthen you in your walk with God. I will not let the sun go down on my anger; instead I will be gracious to you, tender hearted, forgiving you even as God has forgiven me. I will trust in the Lord with all my heart and not depend on my own understanding; I will acknowledge Him in everything, knowing that He will direct our paths. I will follow Him wherever he leads us, putting the extension of his kingdom before all worldly possessions and pleasures. I will be peaceful, content and joyful in every situation we encounter knowing that He is at work for our good and that we can do all things through his strength.

I acknowledge before the Lord my continuous need for his grace in my inability to do all these things, and rely on him alone for the power I need to live in a Godly way as your wife.

我將培養上帝看為寶貝的智慧 那就是溫柔跟平靜。

反而給你我的安慰、溫柔的心而且原諒你如同上帝原諒了我一樣。我將我的信心完全給上帝 不是我以前的經驗。




who gives this woman?


Since my dad walked me down the aisle and also officiated our wedding, we had Jerry--a neighbor and close friend for a long time--to open the wedding with prayer and then wait with Lawrance at the front. 

He also asked the question, "who gives this woman to this man?"

Before my dad answered, Jerry moved out of the way, and my dad took his place in front.

He then spoke very personal words as he "gave me away."  When he was done, I had to ask for a tissue--I'm so glad that Sarah had one.   . . . and that wasn't the last of the tears either.  A few more would come later.

I LOVE this photo taken while my dad was "giving me away."  The smiles on both his and Lawrance's faces are awesome!!!


a walk to remember

Daddy and DaughterWhen I started thinking about a song to walk into with (I didn't
want to come in with traditional wedding music.), I immediately
thought of and really liked "For the Beauty of the Earth."  Lawrance liked the
melody but didn't think it had enough "power" or "majesty" for a bridal entrance.  When I
told him that was the exact reason I wanted it, he thought it was a
great choice.

So, are you ready?  Here we go . . .

Daddy and Daughter

Uh, yeah . . . it was not exactly like that. :)  This great photo--that Lawrance and I both love (and want to duplicate with the two of us when we get married in Taiwan)--was taken after the ceremony. 

I was a bit emotional walking down the aisle with my daddy. 

My creation

And, uh, yeah, "a bit" is a huge understatement! :)

Over a million thoughts flooded though my head we walked together.  My dad was so kind.  He was talking me though walking down the steps out of the chapel, being very gentle and supportive.  I then told him, "Daddy, I'm not gonna make it.  I'm gonna cry." 

His response was "You are?" 
"Yes," I cried back.
"That's ok," was his calm response.

Then I did all I could to stop the tears--hence all the funny faces.  They were happy tears, but still I didn't want to totally be crying all the way down the aisle. 

Here is a photo of my dad talking me though walking down the steps.


I finally was able to manage a smile . . . and I finally rounded the small curve and was able to see my groom. Yay!!



For the joy of human love, . . .

Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.
  (lyrics from "For the Beauty of the Earth")

name the grandparents update

Mom_and_dadThanks to all the suggestions on helping to name my parents last month. 

My mom and dad have decided to try "Nonny and Poppy."  I think they would be ok with baby Nate changing these names, but this is what he will be encouraged to call them.

help name my parents

Ok, so they both already have real names. :)  What we'd like help with is their "grandparent" names. 

My dad suggested awhile back I ask my blog readers for some ideas--kinda like I did with my dog a few years back.  So . . . what do you call your grandparents or what do your grandchildren call you?  Or, have you heard of something cute and creative someone uses?

I'm pretty sure they've decided not to go with classic "grandma" and "grandpa."  They want something a bit more "fun."  Because . . . hey, they are!

So, please comment and help my parents name themselves.

i now "officially" look like my mom!!

I saw this over at An Open Book, and thought I'd see if a computer algorithm agrees with most casual observers that I look like my mom.  It did. :)

(P.S. My dad's name is not "dan" . . . I mistyped "dad.")

my origins (aka: where I am from)

I am from storybooks and

Cabbage Patch dolls,

from a box of 124 crayons.

I am from cinnamon rolls, banana bread,

and gravy poured over broken biscuits.

From yellow and green gingham,

the CareBears, and pink and blue bows.

I am from the new, new house

in a little bit of Forth Worth.

From the parsonage next to

the small-town church

with the two story slide.

I am from mud pies,

picnics in the front yard,

porch swings and rocking chairs.

I am from “life is not fair”

and “I told you so.”

From washing windows on Saturday

and it’s your turn to empty the dishwasher.

I am from preachers,

Sunday school teachers,

and the church pianist.

I’m from Jesus Loves the Little Children,

and Great is Thy Faithfulness.

I’m from pajama days

and a little black pick-up truck.

From chicken and dumplings,

chips and salsa, peppermint birthday cakes,
and don't forget the Diet Coke and Bluebell.

I'm from Podunk, Arkansas
and Smalltown, Texas.

From huge family get-togethers, days on the lake,

and Christmas at Grandma’s.

I am from the woman who tossed cold water on her rowdy boys,

the high school sweethearts who married,

the boy who was tricked to run down a steep hill,

the strangers who met on a bus.

I am from the boy who jumped off a bridge and broke his nose,

from the girl in the fluffy pink sweater who hated her curls.

I am from Dot and Joe, Mildred and Euel, Joi and Ken,

from love and laughter, faith and family,

hugs and kisses.


Giving credit where credit is due: Poems like this have been circling the web for awhile now--I first remember seeing them in the winter/spring of 2005.  They are inspired by George Ella Lyons' poem "Where I'm From." And, there is even a template to help you get started if you'd like to write your own.

Happy Father's Day!!!

Dad and Sam
When I was maybe in high school, I always thought what a rip-off it was to dad's that Father's Day came in the summer.  Since Mother's Day is in May, as kids we spent time in both school and Sunday school making things for her, but Father's Day?  Well, maybe, if we happened to be home that weekend we might make something in Sunday School for him. :)

Well, now that I live in Taiwan, June is now a school month.  BUT, today is not Father's Day here.   Father's Day in Taiwan is August 8th.  Because 8 is pronounced "ba" in Chinese.  So, August 8th is "BaBa" which is also how you say "daddy" in Chinese.  So, Baba's Day is on baba day.  Got it?

Which is also a rip off because in Taiwan Mother's Day always falls on a Sunday (it is the same day as the US Mother's Day), but Father's Day can be any day of the week.  So, everyone goes home on Mother's Day weekend and takes their mother out to eat on Sunday, but Father's Day?  Well, they go to work.

Anyway, our father's deserve our respect and admiration.  Today is a day to celebrate them!! So, Dad, today I celebrate you!

I thank you for all the ways you have impacted who I am.  I am the woman I am today because of who you are in Chirst, because of how you and Mom choose to raise me.  I am not sure, but I doubt there are many women who can look back at their childhood and teen years and rejoice because their earthly father was such a blessing.  I know you are not without your faults, but God has been so gracious to me by giving me such an awesome earthly Father.  I love you, Daddy!  Happy Father's Day!!


Bestdadlg Carla at her site, Reflections of the Times, recently held a contest about the Best Dad Ever.  I submitted this post that I wrote last father's day about my Dad.

And guess what??  We won!  And the prize was to pick out one of Carla's nifty t-shirts from her cafepress shop.  And, she even made a "Best Dad Ever" shirt for Father's Day, which is the one that I choose as the prize.  :)

Yea!  Thank you, Carla, for helping me celebrate my dad!

even more about amanda


I live in KaoHsiung County in
southern Taiwan. This is my fifth year to live in Taiwan, and I enjoy Taiwan very much. I live in Taiwan because God brought me
here to show the Taiwanese people His Love for them.

I am in Taiwan as a tentmaker--I support my missionary work by
teaching college courses. I teach public speaking, biz
English conversation, and English composition (the essay) regularly.  I have also taught Songs for EFL Teaching, Movie English, Internet English, listening, and pronunciation.

I graduated with my master's degree in Foreign Language Education
(2003) from the University of Texas at Austin. I received my bachelor's
in communication theory from Dallas Baptist University (2000).

My mom, dad, and kid brother, Sam, live near Austin, Texas.  Both my parents are teachers, and my dad is also a bi-vocational pastor.  My sister, Sarah, and my brother-in-law, Chad, both work for the Arlington Police department.  Everyone in my family enjoys laughing--and laughing loud--something I didn't realize on my own (an "outsider" pointed it out to me).

I am single, which is something I would love to be changed. :) 

And, last but definitely not least, I am a daughter of the King. I am saved by grace--something I of course do not deserve!  I desire for all that I am and all that I do to bring glory to God.  I desire to know him and make him known--this desire is the foundation of all that I am.

Thanks for stopping by following an unknown path!  I hope you find something that "tickles your fancy!"

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