please interrupt me.

Solo Femininity's

Courtship reveals how necessary this masculinity is.
Many modern young men approach a girl, and they are quite serious as
far as their intentions go, but they are afraid of interfering with her
life. "You know, she is going to graduate soon, but she wants to go to
school at Notre Dame, and I don't really want to go to Notre Dame, and
showing interest in her would really disrupt all her plans." But the
whole point of courtship is to disrupt a young lady's plans.
A godly young woman is not going to stand around waiting for marriage.
Rather, she will be preparing herself for marriage. This means she will
be heading in some particular direction, and not just marking time. A
young man should not be afraid of disrupting, because marriage is by
its very nature a disruption of her previous way of life.
(Her Hand in Marriage by Douglas Wilson, bolding is mine)

Carolyn adds this in her explaintion/commentary on the quote: "So, we are not to just stand around. We are to be making plans for the
future--and praying for godly men who know how to risk interrupting us."

I totally agree with her!!!   Amen! 

Or, as the Message would translate it, "OH YES!!"

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