Sarah, my younger sister, actually came home from the hospital on my second birthday. I thought she was a great birthday present . . . well, that is until she kept crying and took all the attention I used to get away from me. So, I bit her. And, I bit her hard. :)
But, I digress.
Sarah and I were blessed to be raised by parents who were brand new born again believers. They were excited about Christ and sought to obey Him the best they knew how. God was a natural, exciting, everyday part of our life.
I love my childhood. I have only good memories.
I love my parents. I only have good things to say about them. I hold them in such high esteem. I admire them both.
Even though I can't believe how young they were when they had us and raised us (when my mom was my age--she had an eight year old and a six year old), I don't think they could have been better parents. I am blessed beyond measure!!
Earlier this week, my mom mailed me a letter for my brithday. I asked her if I could share part of it in my blog, and she said that would be ok. I kept some of it just for me; although all the ". . ." are hers--not missing parts I saved just for me. :)
Without further adieu, here is my mom:
It is hard to realize it has been 28 (TWENTY-EIGHT!!!) years ago that you were born . . . I was so really, really, young and I had NO clue what it meant to be a parent. However, Thanks Be to God . . . He was so faithful and merciful to lead me through His Word, His church (thank you Grady and Mary Ann!), family members (thank you Mary for all you shared!), and Christian authors (thank you Dr. Dobson
and Kevin Leman
!) to show me how to love, nurture, teach, admonish, and guide my precious new baby girl.
I am so amazed at how God has worked in your life these past 28 years . . . we really didn’t do anything special . . . we just trusted God with your life and He has been (is!!) so faithful to you and to us.
People often ask me, “is it hard for you to let her go to Taiwan . . . Aren’t you worried about her?” and I have to admit, “No, it is not hard . . . because it is so obvious that is where she desires to be and where God wants her . . . why should I be worried and upset that my daughter is doing what her heart cries out to do AND doing that which puts her smack-dab in the middle of God’s will?” I rejoice that you are doing what your heart desires!
I do MISS you tremendously and frequently wish we could go to the movies or shopping together or sit down for some heart-to-heart talks or enjoy holidays together . . . however, with the internet, it is sooo easy to stay connected . . . can’t imagine what it must have been like back in Lottie Moon’s days--waiting MONTHS for news and letters . . . No thank you, ma’am . . . couldn’t handle that . . .
When you were newly arrived on this planet (after God “kicked you out of heaven”)* I would hold you close and gaze down into your sleeping face with such awe and wonder what kind of personality you would have, what kind of desires and accomplishments you would have . . . I couldn’t wait to get to know you! It has been a blast being your Momma and getting to know you these 28 years.
Isn't she great?!? And she thinks she is "not the writer in the family." Hmm. I think I would have to disagree! I Love you, Mom. Thanks for sending me a birthday letter.
You know, Mom, I've realized something in the last three years: my strongest love language is "words of affirmation," and the one I least identify with is "receiving gifts"---so, truly, truly--this letter you sent me is the best gift you could give me!
*One day--either Sarah or I asked mom--"did you catch me?" She said, "when, honey?" The one asking (probably Sarah), responded, "When God kicked me out of heaven?"
You forgot to say WHY one of you thought God kicked you out of heaven...It was because your Dad and I would tell each one of you how happy we were that God gave you to us. I guess in your little toddler minds, God lives in Heaven, so he must have "kicked you out" so you could come live with us! Oh to have the faith of a little child! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love, Mom
ReplyDeleteOK, here is how dads do the Happy Birthday thing.
ReplyDeleteJust got home from a 13 hour work day.
Wife says, "have you seen Amanda's blog?"
Dad clicks link.
Oh, is today Amanda's birthday?
She lives too far away to phone this time of day.
Read the blog.
Read wife's comments.
It all sounds good to me.
Wife always takes care of presents and important stuff like that.
What's for supper?
Oh yeah,
Happy Birthday Amanda
Sorry about that new dress deal I made when you were born. I promised a new dress on each birthday and only did it once (the day we took you home from the hospital). So, at least I have been consistent for the past 28 years.
This was so sweet! I love that phrase, "kicked you out of heaven." What a beautiful testimony of your relationship. Thanks for sharing her letter with us. She's a wonderful writer -- no wonder it's in your genes!