sam's one request

When Sam came to visit me this summer, his only request was . . . "to see the monkeys."

We tried on more than one occasion, but the monkeys live in the wild, so we couldn't make a reservation and request they be present when we arrived.  :)  However, right before we left to go back to America, we got to see them!! 

monkeys on the mountain


Sam fed the monkeys peanuts and bananas.  And, his one wish about Taiwan came true!

Sam feeds the monkeys


Theme: Wild | Become a Photo Hunter | View Blogroll


  1. Wow! I would have loved to be there too! Must have been AWESOME!

  2. Very cool photos. That looks like fun!

  3. I have never been that close to monkeys before...I like seeing them at the zoo or on Animal Planet, but doubt I'll get that close to one!!
    I'm up too.

  4. How fun for him. Great shots.
    I played, first time. Can't wait for more.

  5. Dr. Doolittle comes to mind. "If I could talk to the animals"....
    Ya know, I've been wracking my brain for weeks trying to figure out who you look like in your profile picture on your blog....finally, the name came to me....has anyone ever told you you look like Shelly Fabrares (or however her name is spelled)? Well, now you have. LOL
    My wild in the desert is posted. Come join in....but keep the bread crumbs in your pocket!!!

  6. Oh, the little monkeys are so cute! What great pictures of Sam feeding them! Glad his wish came true. So, they are wild in Taiwan, how fascinating! :)

  7. That is so cool. How cute and wonderful pics.

  8. Fantastic! A truely wild photo :)

  9. These are great pictures of what must have been an amazing experience. How fun that he got his wish before he had to leave.
    Great choice for The Hunt!

  10. HOW awesome! to not only see the monkeys but to get to feed them too! Lucky Sam! My photo is up, please come and visit


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