the irony of contentment

21583055_1A few months ago I wrote about longing to be content in regards to being single. 

I used a passage from Philippians in which Paul says "I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty."

I would love to claim alongside Paul that I have found "the recipe."  How wonderful it would be to not have a sense of needing anything personally!  I think Paul might have mentioned it earlier in the chapter--just a few verses before the ones I quoted.  "I'm glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess."

It is ironic.  Being glad or delighting in God is one area in which I should never settle--never be content.  What I mean is . . . the more I know Him the longing to know Him even more grows ever more strong.  So, the more I delight in Him, the less content I am with how much I know Him, but the more content I am with where I am, what I have, and the circumstances I find myself in. 

Oh, how great it is to be able to delight in a God who satisfies and lets us be happier than we could imagine possible!


  1. What version of the Bible are you quoting? I love the way it reads....

  2. I was wondering what version that was too. I'm not familiar with it.

  3. Oh, did I forget to mention, Mom, that I have been learning Greek on my own for the last few years? That's my own personal translation . . .
    Just kidding!! It is from the Message by Eugene Peterson.
    I enjoy reading the Message for when I am trying to read long passages in one sitting or mediating on Scripture. And, I like the New Living Translation, the NIV, or the Holman Christian Standard for study and memorization.

  4. Amanda, Does your Message version have verse numbers? Mine doesn't. It's just like reading straight prose. I'm having a hard time with this, as I like to copy verses down or share them with people, and I have to compare the Message version with my NIV version that has verse numbers. The online version of the Message does use verse numbers, but I received my print one as a gift. Just wondering why the publisher did it that way and if that's how yours is too.

  5. I like this concept of longing to know Him better. It reminds me of the Elizabeth Prentice hymn, "More Love to Thee". Her book, "Stepping Heavenward" is excellent reading, too!
    Blessings and contentment!

  6. Oh so true - there are somethings we are to hunger and thirst for always and that is God Almighty. Great point on the two being related....seeking God and circumstantial contentment.

  7. Wow Amanda - that is so true. The more I open my Bible the hungrier I get...Thank you for sharing your thoughts on contentment.

  8. Heather: That's right. My print version has no verses numbered. At first I found this quite frustrating. But, after a little experience with translating (Chinese/English, English/Chinese--not Greek) I can understand why a little better, and I just kinda got used to it. So, when I wanna quote a specific passage, I just use the online serch engine from crosswalk. Oh, and it does make it quite difficult to use when worshipping with others and you need to find a specific passage.
    Carmen: I LOVE that book!! I read it about 7 years ago--it was the only Enlish book in a small Chinese Christan bookstore here in Taiwan. I bought it not knowing what it was. It was the first fiction book I read that had an impact on my walk with Christ.

  9. Yay! He does satisfy (isn't it great to be satisfied....I even love the word itself)....and I love the term 'recipe' in that version! Very cool...thanks Amanda!

  10. I love the Message and when I got used to there not being any verse numbers, I found that it was easier for me to read. It flows better in my mind that way.
    If we can all find a way to be content in our circumstances while yearning for more of God, then I think we've done well.


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