I was listening to my "Trusting God" playlist on my ipod while I ate lunch yesterday afternoon. Mostly I had been enjoying songs from Soverign Grace Music, when suddenly I heard a worship leader proclaim:
"哈利路亞!! 來讚美祢! 祢是好的神! 祢是最好的神!"
(Translation: Hallelujah! We've come to worship You! You are a GOOD God. You are the best God there is!!)
I didn't expect to hear Chinese while I munched on my chicken in my parent's home, nor did I expect my reaction to hearing the Chinese: I broke down and cried.
I miss Taiwan. And, at the same time, I am thankful that we really do worship the God who is greater than all other gods!
祢真是最好的神! 祢是主! 哈利路亞!!