thank yall!!!!

2054558 Thanks to all of you I now have in my hot little hands a very tiny telescoping camera holder!!

Thanks to all your votes, I placed third in the BenSpark's win an xshot contest.  So, that means I actually won an xshot.  It was here waiting for me in my mailbox when I got back late last week from Taipei!  (And, just in case you were wondering, yes, my doorman made sure I found it right away.)

How exciting!!  Of course, I wish I had had two weeks earlier; but, like my mom always told me "beggars can't be choosers." ;)

Thanks again to all of you who voted for me!  I am grateful.

I'll play around with it, and then share some pics with yall later on. :)


  1. Glad to see that your XShot got there safely. Looking forward to seeing the photos.

  2. I bought one and received it in the mail on Friday!! I've enjoyed playing around with it.

  3. with moving . . . I've not really gotten to play with it much. I can't wait to really use it though.


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