a good update on "please pray"

Here is the good news from Teri and Norm:

They are still pregnant!  They are still standing firm in the Lord.   Mei said she knows God has a plan!

This is wonderful news!!!  But please please, please keep praying!  This battle is not over yet!   

As our friend wrote, “Please keep lifting her up.  I know the enemy
will use any opening to pry her away from the truth and kill that
baby.  PTL - she is standing right now.  Thank you for joining us in
this battle!” 

May God be glorified in this family's life!!!  Praise Him!!

Thanks for your prayers.


  1. Thank you for keeping us updated, Amanda, Will certainly keep praying.

  2. Will keep praying. Who knows- the medics may even have it wrong- it has happened before. So sad that abortion is so actively endorsed though.

  3. Thank yall!!
    NOTHING is impossible for the Most High God!!


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