confessions of a newlywed who surrived "extended singleness" #3

Sometimes I find myself thinking "I'm married!  I am married.  i AM married.  Me--i am MARRIED!"

It actually catches me by surprise, but it does make me smile.


  1. haha, can totally relate to those type of feelings. :)

  2. Yeah, for me I can never quite get totally used to somebody sleeping beside me every night - in a good way :)

  3. That actually hasn't been something difficult to get used to for me. . . .
    except for when he hogs the blankets. :)

  4. yay! me too, I too survived extended singleness. =) Praise God for ending that. Loving being married and I see you are too! =)
    your fellow August 2008 bride ;o)

  5. Amanda,
    Thank you so much for sharing your experiences about being single and the sweetness of falling in love when the time is right. It has been incredibly encouraging for me to read about the abundant provision of a loving God. For now, I'm still at the 'bittersweet' stage that you described, but I know God is in control.
    This is also such a fun blog to read! it makes me want to visit Taiwan.
    Thanks again.

  6. Thanks, Yvonne for the very sweet words. I'm gland to know that my writing
    about my journey could encourage someone else!! :) Have faith! God is
    kind. He knows what He is doing. You can trust him.


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