new, new, new

Chinese English Bible

New Bible

After I gave my Chinese/English Bible to a NEW beliver a few months ago, I needed to get me a NEW one.  So, I went to the store, and they didn't have the kind that I had before.  However, they had a NEW version out.  It is the NEW Chinese translation for today's generation and the English Standard Version, which is relatively NEW. 

I am a very happy camper!!

If you are looking for online tools or for a NEW year-long reading plan, check out this post from earlier this week.

"And he who was seated on the throne said, 'Behold, I am making all things new.' Also he said, 'Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.'” (Rev 21:5)

P.S. Remember what you are invited to participate in tomorrow!!

Photo Hunter


  1. Hi Amanda,
    Just wondering. What type of Bible you had before? Chinese Union/NIV? I wonder if they sell Chinese Union/NKJV in Taiwan.

  2. I've never seen anything like that. God's word in Chinese--cool!

  3. Happy NEW year...
    My photo is posted.

  4. Great picture for new. 2 Corin. 5:17! He specializes in new, doesn't He.
    Happy New Year.

  5. Very cool Bible, Amanda. I didn't know that they had a dual language one like that. I started reading the ESV this past year.
    Happy New Year to you :) - I am sure it is already a new year for you, right?

  6. Great pic and great story to go along with it. :)
    Happy New Year!

  7. wow - that looks so cool! thanks for visiting and happy new year to you too!

  8. Happy New Year!
    I decided on a new Bible before Christmas. Actually used a gift certificate I received for my Christmas gift last year...(I have a tendency to really take my time at figuring out what to get) My choice was a New Living Translation which had a lot of extra commentary in it.. helps so much with the BSF of the book of Romans.

  9. Thanks for stopping by my Sunflower blog!
    Great Choice for the theme!
    BTW, is that a toy poodle? I have one, so cute!
    I will exercise for comments!

  10. Thanks for stopping by my site. I can't wait to read more about your time in Taiwan....what a ministry!
    Blessings for the New Year!

  11. Oh girl, you are something! Chinese and English. Amazing! :) Wishing you a year filled with blessings! :)

  12. What a beautiful picture. Mine is up too.

  13. Thxs for stopping by - have a prosperous New Year!

  14. it's a great verse, you know :D
    Hope you'll enjoy your new Bible!
    And thanks for the visit.

  15. Very cool bible!! That is great that you can also read Chinese. I really need to learn another language.
    What better thing to share for new than God's word? I can't think of any.


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