chinese is interesting


Gilby has recently taken up the hobby of barking while I am not home.  The security guards told me about it so I could take action.

The message is not "Your dog barks while you are gone."  The message is not "your dog won't shut up." 

The message is always either: "your dog loves to bark" (你的狗愛叫) or "your dog's barking ability is great" (你的狗很會叫).

Isn't it interesting that in Chinese their complaints sounds like a complements!?!?!

Now, if I could only find a way to make my dog obey me when I am not home.  Hmmm.  Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda, maybe you do this already, but we always have music playing quietly while we're away. Or you could have more of a news station playing so Gilby would hear low voices and think he's not alone.
    I DO think it is very interesting how complaints are made to sound like complements. Maybe it's something we should all try to imitate! :)


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